Does this sound familiar?
There’s never any time for the things I want/need to do!
I just wish I could get back to me, take five, and get a breather…
I’m tired all the time, but mostly I’m tired of feeling so overbooked, busy and tired!
I’d love to do me, but it seems selfish, I can’t help but feel guilty.
40% of Americans suffer from some form of anxiety, and the numbers for the rest of the Western world aren’t much different. It’s no wonder. We have made our lives so busy and frantic that we’ve lost the ability to make time for and take care of ourselves.
We’re overbooked, overworked, and over stimulated!
The smartest, most driven and successful women I know think they have to be everything to everyone in order to stay on top and on track with their ambitions. This kind of thinking might have helped them push hard, but in the long run, all they get is burnt out.
Truth: If you want to be as successful as you deserve to be, then you’re going to have to put yourself first.
It’s time to get back to what’s most important: YOU!
What if you could get there in 4 weeks or less without guilt or stress?
It’s time to make ‘YOU’ a priority again!
If you want to create that break, to catch your breath and slow things down enough to get your bearings, get your copy of Back to Me.

“Back to Me” is a short e-book that covers 4 major areas of life:
The simple choices you make everyday
The rhythm of your life
Setting boundaries with the world
Learning to listen to yourself – Introspection/Insight
Back to Me shows you where you might be going wrong in each of these areas, and what balance and reclaiming your life can look like.
Get 4 weeks of tips, challenges and tricks to create the changes you want to see.
What the book is:
A quick but complete guide to four major aspects of life that have huge impact on your wellbeing and quality of life.
A compilation of the best techniques and challenges that clients, patients and Noteworthy followers have used to reclaim their life, focus back on themselves and restore some control in their lives.
A reminder that sometimes the smallest changes can have a huge impact, and collections of small actions you can practice to shift your habits and choices in a direction that works for you.
A fun one-month challenge to try something new and remember that you get to choose what your story looks like.
Grab it today, and choose to put you at the top of your to-do list.
What the book is not
It’s not a one stop shop to fix all of life’s problems. It is an introduction to some of the bigger areas of life that you can change easily and get a huge reward from.
It’s not a hard and fast prescription for how to live right – only you know what’s right for you, that’s why for each of these areas there are at least 7 different things you can try, to see what works for you and what you actually want to change, if anything at all.
It’s not the holy grail. Like I’ve said, I may have expertise in stress management, human psychology, change, and habits, but I’m not the expert on you. Back to Me provides solid insight about what makes you tick and thrive, and proven steps you can practice to reconnect with yourself and the life you meant to live.
When you learn to pay attention to yourself and stop dismissing fatigue, lack of motivation and feeling overwhelmed as normal parts of adulthood, then you can start understanding what you need to make choices that are right for you.
When you make choices
that are right for you…
life gets exciting again, overbooked and underwhelmed become a thing of the past, and the life you live is one you look forward to every day.
Grab your copy of Back to Me TODAY and start reconnecting with what matters.
It’s just $7.99

Back to Me was written with you in mind to help you restore balance and regain control.
Just 5 minutes-a-day for the next four weeks to build the mindset and habits that will put you back in first place on your to-do list.
Back to Me gives you the right tools to reclaim what is yours; your life!
Back to Me is yours for $7.99, that’s the cost of a fancy coffee drink, it’s less than a glass of wine, cheaper than a movie ticket, and WAY MORE SATISFYING than all of those combined.
What's the point of working hard to build a great life if you can't enjoy it?
Who would have thought that being an adult would be so hard?
Wouldn’t it be nice to just slow things down a bit, get back in touch with how you’re feelings and what you need?
No one can make your life better for you. Actually, almost everyone else in your life is going to look to you to help them. The solutions you seek are not found in others.
If you want to regain control and restore balance, you have to choose to get back to you.
Only you can slow things down, set priorities that make sense to you, and silence all the noise and chaos of the world.
No one should:
Go to bed exhausted or wake up feeling tired most days.
Feel guilty about taking a minute for themselves.
Feel disconnected and out of touch with who they are.